Lab - 1 Two Open-Source project reviews
The two open source projects I have chosen to review are: MySQL and WordPress

Description: Relational database management system MySQL is free and open-source (RDBMS). The acronym "SQL," which stands for "Structured Query Language,". In a relational database, data is arranged into one or more tables where it may be connected to other data. SQL is a programming language that allows developers to restrict user access to the relational database as well as create, edit, and extract data from it.
License: MySQL is licensed under GPLv2.
Patching Process: These are the steps to take:
- Check that you have signed the Oracle Contributor Agreement (OCA).
- Submit a bug report at
- Attach your code to the "contributor" tab in the bug report.
After that, the Oracle manager in charge of keeping track of contributions will be notified immediately via the bug system when a new patch is available. The patch will either be accepted for inclusion or denied, and the bug and contribution will be assigned to a MySQL Server developer as soon as possible. You will be informed and given an explanation in the latter scenario.
The patch will go through the same code reviews and quality assurance checks as any other change made by a MySQL developer if it is approved.
Advantages of MySQL:
- With the help of the internet or a local network, MySQL offers the option of running the server and clients on the same machine or on different ones.
- More than 50 million records can be handled by MySQL because to its scalability. This is adequate to manage practically any amount of data. Although the maximum file size is 4GB by default, it may be extended to 8TB.
Disadvantages of MySQL:
- When it comes to managing really large databases, MySQL is not particularly effective.
- None of the COMMIT, stored procedure, or ROLE features are supported by MySQL versions below 5.0.

License: MongoDB is licensed under Server Side Public License.
Patching Process: These are the following steps:
- To the relevant repository, post an issue outlining the modification you propose.
- Your question will receive a timely response from the repo owner.
- If your suggested modification is approved and you haven't done so before, sign a Contributor License Agreement (see details above).
- Create a fork of the appropriate repository, then work on and test your code modifications.
- Submit a pull request.
Advantages of MongoDB:
- Utilize a scale-out design to quickly handle enormous amounts of data.
- Platform for all cloud-based applications and data.
- Access that is widely used and natural to the code.
Disadvantages of MongoDB:
- Its lack of support for transactions is one of MongoDB's drawbacks. There are still certain applications that need transactions in order to change numerous documents or collections, despite the fact that this is happening less frequently.
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